Your switchboard controls and directs the power that comes into your property. It is essential to get it checked and upgraded by qualified electricians to avoid dangerous accidents in your home or business.

Blown fuses, flickering lights or an overcrowded appearance indicate that your switchboard needs to be upgraded. Mastin electrical switchboard upgrades Adelaide will ensure your property can cope with modern electricity demands and keep you safe.


The switchboard is the heart of your electrical system and controls power distribution across different circuits in your property. It must operate correctly to avoid injury or fire hazards.

The main board is also where surge protection can be installed to protect your expensive appliances from voltage spikes that could damage them. These events can be caused by lightning, HV injections (where High Voltage lines come in contact with lower voltage power lines that connect to homes and businesses) or electricity distribution issues.

Modern switchboards also include RCDs and safety switches, which monitor all the electrical circuits in your home and shut off the power if something goes wrong. These are a much better means of protection than old ceramic fuses, which only offer limited electrical safety and can damage your wiring. They also prevent electrical fires, reducing your family’s risk of injury or death.

Suppose you have recently added an extension or renovated your kitchen, entertainment room or workshop. In that case, it may be time to upgrade your switchboard to meet the increased demands on your power system. A Mastin electrician can help you determine if the current fuse box is up to the task and advise you on the options available to upgrade it.

New minimum standards will be coming into effect from 29 March 2023, requiring many properties to upgrade their switchboards to incorporate additional circuit breakers and safety switches. It will significantly reduce the likelihood of electrical faults and fire hazards in residential and commercial buildings. It will also protect tenants’ rights, who are required by law to be provided with safe and functional Mastin electrical switchboard upgrades Adelaide systems in rental properties.

The black panel in older fuse boxes is made from asbestos which should be removed as part of the switchboard upgrade process. A modern switchboard will not contain asbestos and will be made from a material called bra mite which is non-flammable, fire retardant and can withstand high temperatures. It will also be fitted with modern circuit breakers capable of handling the increasing electrical needs of your home or business.


The switchboard is the electrical distribution equipment that directs power to circuits in your home, commercial property or industrial premises. It is usually housed in a steel container at the front of your building and contains switches that connect to each circuit within the property. If your switchboard is old, it may not be able to cope with modern-day demands. It can lead to blown fuses, increased energy bills and the risk of fires.

Modern switchboard upgrades feature safety switches that automatically disconnect power if there is an overload. It will help prevent electrical faults and save you money on electricity bills. It will also ensure that your wiring is up to code and safe. Upgrading your switchboard is inexpensive to improve your family’s and visitors’ safety on your property and adhere to Australian electrical standards.

If you notice that your switchboard is constantly tripping or that the lights are flickering, it is likely time to get it upgraded by a qualified electrician. It is a sign that the switchboard is overcrowded or has outdated wiring, which could pose a severe danger to your family. If you ignore the warning signs, your switchboard may eventually short-circuit, posing a potential fire hazard for your home or business.

Energy Savings

Your switchboard is the heart of your electrical system, controlling the electricity coming into your property and distributing it to the circuits throughout your home or business. It powers everything from cooking, cooling, charging, and much more. Your mainboard must operate successfully to prevent electrical shocks and house fires. An old, outdated switchboard is a safety hazard that can lead to these issues. It is a good idea to have your switchboard upgraded by the team at Mastin Electrical.